‘I love the Zoom workshop format, its more involving and sharing work onscreen is a bonus. I now have a new group of friends with a common interest all over the country. Plus I don’t have to arrange childcare or leave the house!’ Carol Stenning – Zoom workshop writer.
‘Being a complete luddite it took me a while to get round to using Zoom, but Roddy took me through it step by step and now I’m a complete convert and enjoying every minute of the workshop. Its the most fun I have all week.’ Dave Reynolds – Zoom workshop writer.
“Absolutely first class and highly recommended. A great way to unleash the creative beast while picking up plenty of tips, techniques and lots of support.Thanks to the very supportive Roddy Phillips, I have found my writing voice and now write daily. A more friendly, fun and supportive group of people I have yet to meet.” Ali Giles – Zoom Workshop Writer
“Another evening of successful wizardry, as you weaved your way through disparate pieces connecting all with your dark magic. Well done, thoroughly enjoyed.” Grant Mcfarlane – Zoom Workshop Writer
“Thank you for helping me to find my voice and bring out my writing skills, I have learnt so much.” Sue Thompson
“So very glad that I bumped into Roddy one wintry night and followed the trail of fledgling writers to his creative writing workshop. Now I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Try it and it will unleash your creativity. I have the lemon and ginger tea…and it comes free!” Susan Tracy
“Thanks for class last night – I absolutely loved it. I came away feeling really exhilarated !” Sarah VonRiebech
“Roddy has something about him. A way of reaching out to writers and tapping into our unconscious, in a warm hearted, paternalistic, cathartic kind of way. The kind of teacher you wished you had at school.” Michelle Connell “I can’t tell you the difference Roddy’s creative writing workshops have made to my life. A chance finally for my creativity to have a home. Fun, laughter, ideas and tears. Awesome and hilarious, the highlight of my week. And I am pretty sure lifelong friends.” Carolyn Hunnisett “The Bourne to Write workshops have given me the confidence I needed to believe in my own writing. Thank you Roddy and Catriona for your support and encouragement.” Danielle Linsey Morris “Made up of a diverse, interesting, and thoroughly entertaining group of individuals, Roddy’s Creative Writing Workshop is an environment where raw talent and imagination are encouraged to reach their full potential. With every session being a positive and exciting literary venture, I can’t wait for the next one!” Katy Wise“Rarely does a situation occur where you are given the opportunity to surprise yourself. Roddy’s creative writing workshops are one such opportunity.” Ellis Goodwin
“Roddy is blessed equally with an observant eye for the quirks and joy of the modern world and a deep founded understanding of past and contemporary literature. He is an excellent guide at unlocking creative writing skills and enthusing his willing disciples. Recommended.” Chris White
“Roddy’s Creative Writing Workshops unearth abilities in you which you don’t realise you have while subtly challenging you to do still better.”
Marion Richardson
“Roddy’s Creative Writing Workshops should be prescribed on the NHS – more affordable than a psychotherapist, and ten times funnier! I’ve laughed till I’ve cried, and vice versa – oh, and I’ve learned a thing or two about writing along the way!” Donna Henderson
“Attending Roddy’s Creative Writing Workshops has allowed me to loosen the corsets that restrained my literary body and to undo the negative hold on my brain. Stimulating, informative, liberating and thoroughly good fun!”
Susie Hunt
“Roddy’s creative writing workshops have have been the most wonderful escape into my imagination. It is a joy to hear the artistry of everyone’s interior thinking freed so expertly from institutional constraint.”
“I enjoy how the evening can shift from hilarity to the intensity of shared pain and then on to a curiosity about life itself. I am learning from listening which is at the core of meaningful learning.” Avril Hammond
“Roddy’s Creative Writing Workshops give encouraging, informed feedback in a supportive, friendly setting.” Moira Taylor, winner of the Toulmin Prize for Fiction 2012
“Creating anything is a miracle, and making new patterns of words is especially horn-swoggling. In his creative writing workshops Roddy’s role as enabler has to be part magician, part Prometheus, so we can transform ourselves, and write what we didn’t know we wanted to write.” Mary Cane